Category Archives: DUI

Don’t Believe the Myths About Drunk Driving in Florida
Despite the availability of information via the internet, misconceptions about drunk driving abound. Word-of-mouth can be the most damaging, even from sources you trust. It’s possible that some erroneous information contributed to the 4,043 arrests for DUI in Broward County in 2018, according to data collected by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and… Read More »

What Happens to My Driver’s License After Florida Drunk Driving Arrest?
They say “to err is human,” but there are high stakes when a mistake leads to an arrest for violating Florida’s statute on Driving Under the Influence (DUI). If convicted, you face potential imprisonment and fines, but there are also implications for your driver’s license. When you’re unable to legally driver, there are considerable… Read More »

Miranda Warnings in Florida DUI Cases
Many people are aware of Miranda warnings from watching TV or movies, but they take on new meaning when you’re the one being arrested for violating Florida’s law on drunk driving. The term comes from the landmark US Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona, which established the rule that police must advise a… Read More »

First 5 Things To Do After a Florida DUI Arrest
Everyone makes mistakes, but law enforcement and prosecutors aren’t very sympathetic when it comes to those who violate Florida’s statute on driving under the influence. There’s little you can do to talk your way out of a DUI arrest at the scene, but you can take action to positively affect your case going forward…. Read More »

The Chronology of a DUI Trial in Florida
If you were arrested on drunk driving charges under Florida’s DUI statute, it may be possible to enter into a plea bargain, diversion program, or other arrangements at the early stages of the criminal process. Still, if you cannot resolve the case by agreement, you will go on to a full trial and the… Read More »

How Does My “Business Purposes Only” Driver’s License Work in Florida?
Any violation of Florida’s drunk driving laws means an automatic suspension of your driver’s license, so may not be able to legally operate a vehicle for a minimum 180 days – even for a first-time offense. However, If you are eligible and retain a skilled Florida DUI defense attorney to assist, a court could… Read More »

Calculating the True Cost of a Florida DUI Conviction
gh you probably know that you will be fined for a Florida DUI conviction, you may also be paying additional costs you did not expect. Florida’s statute on driving under the influence outlines the various penalties, but it does not provide details on additional expenses. A Florida DUI defense attorney can explain the extensive… Read More »

Three Key Pieces of Evidence in a Florida DUI Case
You may have been charged with drunk driving, but your arrest is only the beginning of a Florida DUI case. A conviction is very different from an arrest, which only requires the law enforcement officer to have probable cause. A prosecutor needs a higher level of solid, credible evidence to prove that you are… Read More »

Florida Drunk Driving Laws for Commercial Drivers (CDL)
Florida laws are harsh on driving under the influence (DUI) for all motorists, but they are even more severe when the driver holds a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). If you operate a semi truck, you are held to a higher standard because of the size of the vehicle and the potential to cause devastating… Read More »

When is a DUI a Felony in Florida?
You may know that Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a crime in Florida and has legal implications for your driver’s license. However, you may not be aware that a DUI can be a felony under certain circumstances. When charged as a felony as compared to a misdemeanor, the fines are higher, the potential… Read More »