Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Reasons to Hire a Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer for Misdemeanor Charges
If you’ve been arrested on misdemeanor charges in Florida, you probably assume that the implications are no big deal. You might think that it’s possible to avoid jail time as a first offender, get probation only, or simply have to pay a fine. When the case is over, you expect to go back to… Read More »

Charges for Incomplete or Inchoate Crimes in Florida
There’s a common assumption that you must actually commit a criminal offense to be charged with a crime, but this is a misconception. Under Florida’s statute on incomplete crimes, you can actually be arrested for conduct that does NOT rise to the level of criminal activity – and it may come as a surprise… Read More »

Are Larceny, Robbery, and Burglary the Same Florida Theft Crimes?
When you hear the term “theft,” you understand that it refers to the crime of taking something that doesn’t belong to you. In fact, Florida theft statute covers a broad range of offenses that involve obtaining property with the intent to temporarily or permanently deprive the rightful owner of it. However, there are numerous… Read More »

Get Florida Criminal Charges Dismissed at the Preliminary Hearing
Going through the criminal process after being charged is often as overwhelming as the arrest itself, so knowing what to expect can ease some of your concerns. Under certain circumstances, you may go through a preliminary hearing under the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure. As one of the key initial stages in your case,… Read More »

Types of Discovery in a Florida Criminal Case
Before a trial in a criminal case moves forward, the prosecutor and defense will usually engage in discovery practices to assess the factual issues at stake. Depending on the nature of the crime and complexities involved with evidence, the process can take weeks – or even months – because there are many different types… Read More »

How to Beat a Breathalyzer in a Florida DUI Case
If you’re arrested for drunk driving in Florida, it’s likely that police will ask you to submit to a breathalyzer test for purposes of determining your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). As you may be aware, the legal limit is .08 percent to be considered driving under the influence per se; another important figure is… Read More »

Your Rights When Served with a Criminal Summons in Florida
There’s a lot of confusion regarding the legal effect of a criminal summons, which is why many people can get into trouble based upon their reaction to receiving one. The Florida statute on a criminal summons isn’t all that helpful, either. It simply states the circumstances under which a judge will issue a summons… Read More »

Crime Statistics in Fort Lauderdale and the State of Florida
Crimes statistics and reports are useful for people moving into certain neighborhoods or opening businesses, but this information is also a driving factor behind law enforcement efforts. You can be sure that, when theft, violent crime, and other offenses increase, police will be on patrol to crack down on those who violate the law…. Read More »

How to Keep Your Child’s Case in the Florida Juvenile Court System
In Broward County, any individual 18 years or younger who is charged with committing a crime may be processed through the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Juvenile Delinquency system instead of adult court. Though the offense itself is either a misdemeanor or felony, Florida law treats minors differently. The intent behind the juvenile system… Read More »

Your Cell Phone and Your Rights in a Florida Criminal Case
Consumer demand for the latest in cell phone technology remains high, so manufacturers continue their efforts to develop features that give them a leg up over their competition. However, while you might be impressed with the bells and whistles that come with every new device, you may not realize that these innovations could impact… Read More »