Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Convictions That May Lead to Revocation of Your Florida Concealed Carry License
The Second Amendment to the US Constitution protects your right to bear arms, but it is important to understand that there are limitations through various statutes and court cases. One piece of legislation, the Federal Gun Control Act, has critical implications for your firearms rights. If you have been convicted of a felony or… Read More »

Types of Evidence That Should Be Excluded from a Florida Criminal Case
Evidence is the focal point of any Florida criminal matter, whether it is in the form of witness testimony, a document, electronic information, or any other item that serves to prove or disprove a fact at issue in the case. If you are facing charges, you naturally want evidence in your favor to be… Read More »

Can I be Arrested for Not Paying Florida Child Support?
All parents have both rights and responsibilities with regards to their minor children, regardless of whether the relationship is over or they do not live together. One key obligation is payment of child support, usually by the nonresidential parent to the other for the child’s needs. Whether a child support order was entered in… Read More »

Types of Sentencing in Florida Criminal Cases
After a defendant is convicted or pleads guilty in a criminal case, the matter proceeds to the sentencing phase so the judge can determine the appropriate punishment for the crime. This part of the process may take place immediately after a conviction, or the court may set a future date to conduct a hearing… Read More »

Three Types of Encounters with Police and How They Affect Your Rights
You probably have concerns any time you are stopped or approached by police, but you may not realize that there are different types of encounters with law enforcement that affect your rights. The specifics are grounded in the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution, which are mirrored in the Florida Declaration of Rights:… Read More »

How A Little White Lie Can Lead to Serious Fraud Charges
Much of the talk about fraud comes in the context of complex, well-planned schemes involving the government or bilking investors, but the truth is that even innocent misrepresentations can result in fraud charges. For example, the US Sentencing Commission reported that 171 offenders were convicted of fraud for false statements on mortgage applications in… Read More »

Familial DNA Leads to Florida Man’s Arrest 35 Years After Alleged Murder
TV crime shows often feature real life stories about cold cases solved years later after DNA evidence matches the killer to a victim, and a recent one just hit the headlines in South Florida. West Palm Beach CBS affiliate News Channel 12 reported on the arrest of a Florida man suspected in the rape… Read More »

The Role of Police Body Cam Footage in a Florida Criminal Case
Video has always been an important form of proof in a criminal case, but footage was not as readily available in the past as it is now in the cell phone age. As the technology enables them to be smaller, more efficient, and reasonably priced, body cams are increasingly standard issue for law enforcement… Read More »

Can I Get a DUI for Boating in Florida?
According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, alcohol is a leading contributor to both fatal boating accidents, at around 22 percent of deadly incidents being linked to drinking. Law enforcement and prosecutors will aggressively pursue criminal charges were applicable due to the extreme safety risks of boating under the influence (BUI), including:… Read More »

What Prosecutors Look at When Reducing a DUI to Wet Reckless
If you were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Florida, you may qualify to resolve the charges by entering a plea known as “wet reckless.” Basically, even though there is evidence that you were drunk driving, you would work out an agreement with the prosecutor to admit that you were reckless… Read More »